Our Products

OURFRUITS                         more delicious day and tomorrow with nilay’s fruits                           

The common figs (Ficus carica) originated in northern Asia minor and are very well adapted to Mediterranean environments.

Turkey is the largest fig-producing and exporting country in the world and also the number one producer of dried figs with 60-70% world’s production. 

Its commonly known that the highest quality dried figs are grown in dry and sunny locations and  areas of the Big and Small Menderes valleys which are on the coastal region of the Mediterranean in Turkey, have optimum ambient temperature, relative humidity and wind conditions to produce high quality dried figs.  Aydýn region is the largest fresh and dry cultivation site in Turkey with extensive dry fig exports and also candidate for the finest black fig (Brown Turkey) growing area.



Available as Black Figs (Brown Turkey)


Availability:  Middle of July to end of September

Appearance: A brown skinned, copper-coloured skin

Texture & Firmness: Decorative and exotic, rich sweet red flesh

Internal Character: Flesh amber to pink, whitish to pink pulp

Flavour: Rich, quality fruit

Shape: Brown pear shaped fruit

Size: Medium to large

Why it’s so good

Our Brown fig, come from Aydin region which has the temperate climate, favourable for farming and up to 100 days longer growing season than any other farmland in Turkey.

At Nilay, we are fanatical about our commitment to supply the finest black figs from Turkey


NILAYDRYFIGS / by special order only

Available as the cultivar ‘Sarý Zeybek’ and ‘Sarýlop’ which accounts for 90% of dried fig production grown in Turkey


Availability:  All year round

Appearance: Light brown to dark brown, slightly wrinkled outer surface

Texture and Firmness: Soft, clean and firm in texture

Internal Character: Natural colour, Max. 26 % (Determined by the DFA moisture tester)

Flavour: Rich, honey flavour and pleasant smell

Shape: Natural, pear– like shape

Size:  Small and / or large


Why it’s so good

Our Turkish dry figs are grown under natural conditions in highland areas, harvested and sun dried on racks under controlled conditions in Aydýn province only.